August 22nd-24th—Schedule of Events to be Determined
Below is the Schedule from 2024 as an example:
FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 2024 - Centennial Park
Our Festival kicks off in Centennial Park at Noon on Friday, August 23 in downtown Hot Springs, SD!
12:00 pm – 7:00 pm: Vendor Market in Centennial Park
12:00 pm: FREE performance by Magician Jared Fernau!
12:30 pm – 3:30 pm: Balloon Animals with Jared Fernau
12:00 pm – 5:00 pm: Face Painting by Swish ‘N Flick Entertainment in Centennial Park
1:00 pm – 5:00 pm: Kids Dummy Roping
2:00 pm – 4:00 pm: Naja Clown Patrol
5:00pm - 7:00 pm: Live Music by Seth Erickson
Hot Springs Municipal Airport
Saturday, 6:00 am Balloon Launch*: 20+ balloons launch from Hot Springs Municipal Airport (weather permitting). Bring your lawn chair or picnic blanket as there is no bleacher seating provided this year. The Hot Springs Rotary Club will be selling concessions including coffee out at the airport. Don’t forget to buy your Official festival T-Shirt!
Following the launch, head into Hot Springs for a day of fun!
Followed by more all-day fun in Hot Springs, Centennial Park will feature vendors, Food and Live Music! Look for incredible deals, sidewalk sales and specials throughout Hot Springs at our local Merchants.
7:30 am – 10:00 am: SHRec 5K and 1 Mile Fun Run. Registration starts at 7:30am or you can register early online at www.GetMeRegistered.com/SHREC5K
7:30 am – 11:00 am: Breakfast Burrito fundraiser for SHRec at Centennial Park
8:00 am – 1:00 pm: 3rd Annual Chalk Art Contest, sponsored by CCABH (Chautauqua Craftsmen & Artisans of the Black Hills).
Contest will take place on the downtown sidewalks between Mornin’ Sunshine at 509 N. River Street to Earth Goods Natural Foods at 738 Jennings Ave.
Awards will be at 2:00pm back at Chautauqua Artisans Market, 501 N. River St
9:00 am – 12:00 pm: Farmer’s Market in Centennial Park
9:00 am – 1:00 pm: Kids Crafts & Hot Sauce Tasting @ ACE Hardware
9:00 am – 2:00 pm: Sidewalk Sales at Businesses throughout Downtown Hot Springs
9:00 am – 5:00 pm: Vendor Market and Kid Zone in Centennial Park. Kid Zone will feature giant inflatables,
obstacle course and games.
10:00 am: Kids Parade -- "Super Hero" Theme, Registration is 9:30 am at the Boys & Girls Club
10:00 am - 12:00 noon AND 4:00 pm - 5:00pm: Live Music by Scott Von in Centennial Park
4:00 pm – 6:00 pm: Miss Hot Springs and Miss Fall River Balloon Festival Pageant @ Mueller Civic Center
Saturday Night we are going to light up our downtown with glowing balloons and candlestick hot air balloon baskets at Centennial Park and glowing balloons at the Michael J. Fitzmaurice South Dakota State Veterans Home.
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm: “Light Up Downtown” Night Glow @ Centennial Park & Michael J. Fitzmaurice SD State Veterans Home
Do not park on Highways!
Sunday, 6:00 am: THE LAUNCH HAS BEEN CANCELLED—Due to the weather conditions being forecasted to be too windy and hot for the balloon pilots to safely launch and fly tomorrow.
We regret this decision, but our Pilots and their passengers’ safety is too important to jeopardize. We are very sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
4:00 pm – 6:00 pm: Cemetery History Walk @ Evergreen Cemetery, Presented by Fall River Historical Society & Pioneer Museum
Sat Aug 23rd & Sun Aug 24th at 6:00 AM - Balloons Launch from Hot Springs Airport
WHEN TO ARRIVE: We recommend arriving at the Hot Springs Municipal Airport (located at 27858 US-385, visit our “Get Here” page for directions) around 5:00 AM to get parked and find a comfortable spot to see the balloons. There are parking spots available for handicap - please speak with one of the traffic guides to reach them. Please follow all traffic directions for your safety.
WHAT SHOULD I BRING?: The weather is pretty chilly at this early hour in the morning, even in late summer, so a light jacket may be recommended. Many folks bring blankets to sit on on the grass. Feel free to bring your own seating (e.g. folding camping chairs). Being so close to a large body of water like Angostura Reservoir, we would also recommend bug spray. You should bring your own water bottles so you stay hydrated, we just ask that what you bring with you, you take out. And of course, don’t forget your camera or smartphone! The balloons are an absolutely beautiful sight as the sun rises. Please use the hashtag #FallRiverBalloonFest in any posts you share out! While you may bring your camera or phone to capture the event--please, DO NOT BRING DRONES or aerial devices of any kind to any of the festival events. We have a professional and licensed drone pilot that is the dedicated operator for this Festival, but all other DRONES ARE STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Thank you for your cooperation to help keep our pilots and passengers safe.
CAN WE APPROACH THE BALLOONS & PILOTS?: You may approach the balloons, we are asking that you are mindful and aware of ropes, fans, and equipment. Please listen to the instructions of the Pilots and Crew.
WHEN WILL THE BALLOONS LAUNCH?: Balloon pilots have a meeting shortly before the scheduled launch to gauge the weather. There’s a lot of science that goes into launching, and if the winds are too strong, if it’s raining, or they feel there’s any danger, the balloons may not launch. But if they do (and they usually do!) they will begin inflation around 6:00 AM.
DO THE BALLOONS LAND AT THE AIRPORT?: No, hot air balloons do not fly back to the airport - they go where the wind takes them, and the pilot lands in a safe location. If you arrive late expecting to see the balloons, you may be disappointed, and we don’t want that!
Sat Aug 23rd at 7:30 PM - Night Glow
WHAT SHOULD I BRING?: While we are working to provide some additional lighting this year, there will be limited or no illumination at many of the glow/candlestick burner display locations after the shows are done, so we strongly recommend that you bring a flashlight for yourself. After dusk, it may be quite cool in the evening, so we recommend a light jacket. There may be limited concessions, so we also strongly recommend bringing your own water bottles and bug spray. Please note, alcoholic beverages are not permitted at participating businesses and locations - please do not bring alcohol to the Festival.
CAN WE APPROACH THE BALLOONS?: You may approach the balloons, we are asking that you are mindful and aware of ropes, fans, and equipment. Please listen to the instructions of the Pilots and Crew. Be sure to clear the area as the balloons deflate. We cannot overstate the importance of bringing a flashlight to the Night Glow so the pilots and crew are able to see you in the darkness.
HOW CAN I FIND OUT IF THE “NIGHT GLOW” HAS BEEN CANCELLED?: Please keep an eye on the Fall River Hot Air Balloon Festival Facebook page, Facebook.com/FallRiverHotAirBalloonFestival, for updates on the day of the festival for any changes to our schedule, including cancellations or postponements.